1. Are your products authentic?
    Yes, we sell only brand new 100% authentic products. All our products are from authorized sources.
  2. Are your products brand new?
    Yes, we only sell brand new products with original product tag still in place, never second-hand or used.
  3. How long does it take to receive my order?
    Orders are typically shipped from USA. The transit time is about 14-17 days. Express shipping is available at additional cost.
  4. What about problems with customs?
    Should your shipment ever be held by customs, please contact us immediately for instructions on clearing customs. You will not be responsible for any customs fees.
  5. Do your prices include shipping?
    Shipping charges are calculated during checkout. You will have a chance to see the shipping charge before your order is completed.
  6. How do I pay for my order?
    You may pay by bank transfer, credit card, or Paypal. Please see our "Payment & Delivery" page for details.
  7. Are my transactions secure on your website?
    Yes, your transactions are completely safe and secured. Paypal uses the latest, advanced 128-bit data encryption technology, the same technology used in the banking industry to protect millions of dollars in online transactions. We use certified and well-recognized payment processing services, ensuring your information is safe and secure.
  8. Is my information kept private?
    Yes, we will never share your information with a third party without your permission. Your orders are processed through certified payment processing services and this is the only information that is provided to them.
  9. What is your return policy?
    We guarantee every product we ship to be brand new 100% authentic  However, if there is ever a problem with your item and you wish to return it, please refer to our policy in the “Return Policy” page. We will be happy to work with you on your return.
  10. How can I contact you?
    You can contact us via email at azurebagz@hotmail.com or fill out the form on the main page. We will respond to your inquiry within 8-24 hours.
  11. Can I order a product that is not on your website?
    Yes. We constantly update products offered on our website. However, if you do not see the product that you are interested, feel free to contact us with the product name, description (color), and SKU (manufacturer’s product ID). We will be happy to provide availability and a custom quote.
  12. Do you sell to customers in other countries besides Malaysia?
    We welcome opportunities to expand our business. If you do not live in Malaysia and wish to order from us, feel free to contact us with your request. We will consider requests on a case-by-case basis.


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